Injective Apes

3,000 unique collectible Apes with proof of ownership stored on the Injective blockchain.

Meet the Apes

Injective Apes are a set of 3,000 unique digital collectible apes stored on the Injective blockchain. Each item in the collection is a 24x24 pixel, 8-bit-style portrait with a unique set of attributes and traits.

Some 1/1

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Made by: Kyaw Zan

Oct 21, 2023

Super Saiyan
Made by: Darwin Dizon

Oct 21, 2023

Made by: Diva

Oct 9, 2023

Bat Man
Made by: Kyaw Zan

Oct 21, 2023

Made by: Nico

Oct 21, 2023

Made by: Mikey

Oct 13, 2023

Mario Bros
Made by: Nico

Oct 5, 2023

Made by: Mikey

Oct 17, 2023

Made by: Kyaw Zan

Oct 22, 2023

Made by: Kyaw Zan

Oct 21, 2023

The Godfather
Made by: Kyaw Zan

Oct 24, 2023



How do I get a Ape?

Select and fund a crypto wallet

Before you can buy NFTs, you'll need the tools to transact on NFT marketplaces. As such, you'll need a crypto wallet, with cryptocurrency to facilitate any transactions. There are a multitude of crypto wallets out there, and new NFT investors may be best off choosing one of the more popular ones, such as Ninji, Keplr, MetaMask and Leap as they're likely the most versatile when connecting to most marketplaces.

With a wallet, you may need to go to a crypto exchange to purchase Injective (INJ). Trade your USD or fiat currency for INJ, and you'll be ready to choose an NFT marketplace.

Download Ninji
Choose a marketplace and create an account

Next, decide which NFT marketplace (Dagora, Talis and Nebula) you want to use, and create an account. Depending on which marketplace you choose, the process will be slightly different. But it'll likely entail adding some personal information, and perhaps most importantly, connecting your crypto wallet to the exchange.

Choose and buy an NFT

With a funded and connected wallet, browsing for and purchasing NFTs on most major marketplaces should feel similar to buying pretty much anything else online. You can search for or otherwise select an NFT you want, check out the price, and decide if you want to go through with the transaction.

From there, it's as simple as hitting the "buy" button. You should then see the NFT in your wallet, and the corresponding amount of INJ should have been transferred out of it.

Details and FAQ

What is an NFT?

Owning an NFT is akin to possessing a unique digital treasure. Whether you decide to hold onto it for the long haul, purely for your admiration of the craftsmanship, or intend to trade it for potential gains, the choice is yours. For creators, NFTs present a lucrative avenue for earning royalties from their creative output. These non-fungible tokens are finding application in an array of sectors, including gaming, music, real estate, and beyond. Among their most prevalent applications is the establishment of undeniable ownership in the realm of digital art, thus ushering in fresh horizons for artists to explore.

What is proof of ownership?

When you possess an NFT, the blockchain serves as an indisputable record of ownership, broadcasting to the global audience that the NFT is firmly ensconced in your dedicated wallet address. This guarantees an airtight affirmation of your ownership, rendering any challenge futile. While anyone can readily snag an image of an artist masterpiece from a simple Google Images search, it's only the holder of the verifiable certificate signifying their exclusive claim to the artist who can genuinely assert ownership. This exemplifies the might of digital ownership, setting it apart from mere digital reproductions.

What are the Fees?

Injective Blockchain's transaction fees are contingent on the specific nature of the transaction in question. In essence, these fees are typically kept at an exceptionally affordable rate, structured in a way to motivate and encourage network usage.
Engaging in buying and selling activities within renowned marketplaces such as Dagora, Talis and Nebula comes with modest transaction fees.

How do I buy $INJ?

To buy Injective, you will need to first set up a wallet that supports Injective. Once you have a wallet, you can purchase Injective from an exchange that supports Injective.

You will need to create an account on the exchange and deposit funds into your account.

Once you have funds in your account, you can search for Injective and place an order to buy it. Once your order is filled, you will have Injective in your wallet.

Where did Injective Apes first appear?

Injective Apes first appeared on Twitter on October 3, 2023

What is the royalty %?


What is the pixel dimension of each Ape?

24 x 24

What is the image resolution of each Ape?

Each image is a 500 x 500px PNG.

How many Apes are reserved for the team?

50 (1.6 % of the collection)

What is the Mint price?
